Parish Activities

Prayer Groups meet for Healing Prayer on Wednesdays at 7.25 pm.

Knaresborough Old Peoples’ Welfare Association: The Leisure Centre at 23, Market Place, Knaresborough, was given to the town in 1960 and is used as a meeting place for the over 60’s of the town and district.  Volunteers from St Mary’s, St John’s, Holy Trinity, Gracious Street Methodists Churches, Women’s Institute, Inner Wheel and WRVS serve refreshments from 10am to 12 noon and 2pm to 4pm (closed Thursday afternoon and Saturday afternoon).  Anyone wishing to volunteer to help, please contact Brenda Johnson on tel: 863253

Fridays of Lent: Stations of the Cross after Mass.

Friendship Group: Meet on Mondays between 1.30pm and 3pm in the Old School Hall. Find out more here.