St Mary’s Catholic Primary School


Section 48 Inspection on 8/9 March 2017

Following a formal Diocesan inspection of the school on 8/9 March 2017, St Mary’s has received the overall grade of outstanding for the Catholic Life and Religious Education at the school.  The inspector summarised his report by stating that “This is an outstanding, Catholic primary school”.  Sincere thanks go to all staff, parents and of course our pupils, whose hard work and commitment have led to such an excellent judgement.  All parishioners can be so proud of having such a special school serving our parish.

Paul Jackson

Chair of the Academy Council, Friday 17 March 2017


Our parish primary school, St Mary’s, is a voluntary aided Catholic school for children aged 4-11.  The school is a member of the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust.  

There are currently 190 pupils on roll with a maximum pupil number of 210. Pupils are taught in separate year groups (Foundation Stage through to Year 6).  Mrs Tomlinson is Headteacher and Mrs Bleasdale is Deputy Headteacher.    School Entrance

Its mission is to offer a distinctive Catholic education with a caring Christian community where everyone feels valued, confident and secure. We believe each person is loved by God and is gifted and unique.  In partnership, our community creates a challenging, stimulating and positive learning environment where Christ is at the centre of all that we do.

The school aims to deepen children’s knowledge, experience and practice of Gospel values and to provide a curriculum that ensures all children learn and achieve to the best of their ability. The school regularly evaluates its progress and constantly sets objectives to improve the achievement of all pupils through improving quality of teaching and learning, curriculum provision, and leadership and management.  The most recent Ofsted inspection in November 2019 judged the school to be Good.

St Mary’s is involved in collaborative partnerships with the catholic schools within the Bishop Wheeler Trust.  It also has strong links with the local catholic schools including St John Fisher High School Harrogate and other Knaresborough primary schools. St Mary’s is a feeder school for St John Fisher High School and King James’s High School in Knaresborough.

The school has been at its present site on Tentergate Road since 1967. Prior to this it was situated next to the church in the building now used as the church hall.  The school has benefited from recent investment and has been extended and modernised to provide more spacious classrooms, cloakrooms and outdoor space to meet the needs of the modern curriculum. 

For more information on our parish school or for details regarding school admissions please visit the school website