Sacraments Overview

Celebration of the sacraments is the central part of the Church’s life, and of each parish community. Some of the sacraments are celebrated just once in a lifetime for each person (Baptism, Confirmation for example). Some of the sacraments become an ongoing part of a Catholic’s sacramental life (Eucharist for example, otherwise known as The Mass).

In this diocese (Leeds Diocese) the order in which you would normally celebrate these sacraments is as follows:

Baptism – within the first few weeks after birth

Eucharist – from age 8-9, i.e. school year 4 (sometimes called “Making First Holy Communion”)

Confirmation – preparation course starting February 2018 for school years 7 and 8, age 11-13

These three sacraments are called the Sacraments of Christian Initiation. There is a preparation course for each of these sacraments, details of which can be found on the respective pages under the Sacraments tab on this website.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation, otherwise known as Confession, would be celebrated sometime before full participation in the Eucharist, ie before the person first receives Holy Communion in Mass, and thereafter becomes (as for the Eucharist) an ongoing part of their sacramental life. There is a dedicated preparation course to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  This is now being offered to children aged 7-8, i.e. school year 3.


For adults who have not followed this pattern of Christian Initiation but who now want to embrace the full sacramental life of the Church there is a special course called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). This course is for the following people:

  • Adults who were baptised in the Catholic Church but have not yet been Confirmed or attended a course for full participation in the Eucharist.
  • Adults who were baptised in another Christian denomination and now wish to become Catholics.
  • Adults who have not yet been baptised.
  • Adults who are not Catholic but who would simply like to learn more about the Catholic faith with no obligation to join the Catholic Church.

The RCIA course is led by the Parish Priest, Father William, and commences in November each year. If you are interested to join the RCIA course please contact Father William.

For more information on the other sacraments of the Church, click on the respective tab under Sacraments.