About Us

The recorded story of St. Mary’s Knaresborough begins in 1693 when English Benedictines became chaplains to the Plumptons, whose ancient home lay about two miles south of the town. The names of the secular clergy who ministered in the district before that date have not been recorded, but some well known names of parishioners are known, such as the Knaresboroughs of Farnham and Byrnands of Knaresborough, Swales of Rudfarlington, Trappes of Nidd Hall, Percys of Scotton, some Slingsbys at Scriven and Inglebys at Ripley.  - Read more about our History

We are a Eucharistic community dedicated to worshipping and honoring the Holy Trinity through Christ, who is present in the sacraments and the Word. We nurture one another spiritually, pastorally, and socially while also endeavoring to support the global Church through our prayers, financial contributions, and personal engagements.

Our mission reaches out to other Christian communities, where we strive to embody the presence of Christ by testifying to everyone we encounter. We endeavor to cultivate the faith, understanding, and talents of individuals within the parish as they answer Christ's call, while also preserving the parish's resources to ensure they effectively support its mission both now and into the future.

Extended Parish Community

Our parish (St Mary's Knaresborough) is closely associated with St Aelred's of Rievaulx, where Holy Mass, the Sacraments and Celebrations are shared.

Our Clergy:

Fr Gerard Kearney

Deacon David Arblaster

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