
We are increasingly aware that having a friendly, smiling face to greet you at the door when you arrive for Mass is not just a nice touch, but essential in creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The way you feel upon entering the church and the kind of reception you receive can profoundly influence your decision to return in the future, making that first impression all the more important. Here at St. Aelred's, we are making a concerted effort to reflect the Gospel message by embodying warmth and hospitality as a welcoming parish community. Our small team of dedicated welcomers is steadily growing, but we recognise that we could use more hands to help spread the joy of our faith.

Would you like to become a cherished member of our welcoming team? This rewarding role simply involves meeting and greeting parishioners and visitors upon their arrival for Holy Mass, helping to cultivate a sense of belonging and fellowship from the very moment they step through our doors. Your presence could make a significant difference in someone's experience at our church.

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